Project Partners

Stowarzyszenie Animatorów Wszechstronnego Rozwoju Młodzieży

Stowarzyszenie Animatorów Wszechstronnego Rozwoju Młodzieży is a non-profit institution, the founder of three schools, namely Ogólnokształcąca Szkoła Sztuk Pięknych, Liceum Ogólnokształcące and Liceum Sztuk Plastycznych.The Association was established in October 2001 as a first school of this type in Gliwice. It has the authority of a public school.

All together, there are 247 students and 40 teachers in our schools.The school used to be intended for primary, lower secondary and secondary school graduates. In 2019 due to educational reform our school covers 4-years and 5-years study: general education in the core curriculum of the general secondary school and in artistic subjects such as:drawing and painting, sculpture, history of art, basics of photography and film, basics of design – composition. It gives the possibility of obtaining secondary education with the title of art and the possibility of passing the matura exam.

Tokat Cumhuriyet Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi

video eklenecek

Our school is located in a disadvantaged district of Tokat.

For this reason, it offers education to the disadvantaged student group with a low socio-economic and socio-cultural level.

Our school has fields of Chemical Technologies, Information Technologies, Land Registry and Cadastre and has 460 students and 45 personnels.

The general aim of our school is to train qualified intermediate personnel for markets in various sectors.Our school has the authority to operate revolving funds in the fields of chemistry and land registry-cadastre.

The specific goals of our school are to provide students with a certain field expertise, to respond to local, national and international sectoral expectations, to open areas for future employment, to be a pioneer both professionally and academically in the transition from secondary education to higher education, to carry out vocational guidance activities and to work with the school and business world,to develop European consciousness, respect cultures.

Organisme de Gestion du lycée Privé Bahuet

School Presentation:

The Lycée Bahuet is a Catholic High School under contract with the State. It is located in Brive la Gaillarde (Corrèze). It welcomes 580 students from the surrounding areas and 80 teachers. As for the non-teaching staff, they make a total of 20 operational assistants. It’s a vocational and technological high school and has a higher education department. It proposes different studies in health, management, social, tourism, finance, IT-Digital media. The school is specialized in foreign languages learning (English, Spanish, German). Students improve their language skills (Bulats, BEC, Cervantes, TOEIC), enjoy school trips included Erasmus + project or benefit from internships abroad to have the chance to get into the international sphere.

Jurisich Miklós Gimnázium és Kollégium 

School Presentation:

Jurisich Miklós Gimnázium with its 342 years old history is one of the oldest,well-known secondary schools in Hungary.It has 416 students and 44 teachers. Our profile has always changed as the needs of students changed as well.As a result of the competition among schools for new students, we are encouraged to renew again and again.The school has several special programmes: the most popular one is the Hungarian-English bilingual education, where a couple of subjects–maths, chemistry, physics, geography and civilization of the English-speaking world – are taught in English. We have advanced groups in chemistry, biology and foreign language education. Our institution is part of a program,which aims to provide opportunities for disadvantaged but talented students.It is called Arany János Program for Developing Talents of Socially Disadvantaged Students. These programs make our school an attractive choice and so far we have been successful to attract enough pupils to start each school year.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.